AES sketch

“The registrations are in full swing and we are proud to see so many new foals. Part of the registration is the passport application, which the Barock Pinto Studbook does through the AES. Unfortunately, we notice that there are quite a lot of incorrect of incomplete sketches being send in. We only work with the AES sketch form, forms of other origin cannot be processed. An incorrect or incomplete form cannot be taken into the registration and we are not allowed to complete it. The form must be filled out completely (drawing, general information AND description of the markings on each part of the body) by a veterinarian. Don’t forget the signature/stamp!

The next bit of attention goes to the name of the foal. Please consider the letter that all names must start with in the specific year (2018 works with the letter I (i)) and make sure that the name on the AES sketch is the same as it is on the registration form/breeding paper. Legally, all horses in Europe, must have a passport after the age of 6 months. We are always working very hard to make this happen, but we can’t always. A foal can be microchipped from the age of a few weeks, after which the registration can be directly send in. Because we use DNA verification, we do need a few weeks of processing time for each registration. That is why we like to receive the registration application at our office before the age of 4 months.

Unfortunately, we do receive application of foals chipped and send in to us, far past this age. Providing the passport in time becomes difficult this way. A possible sale, of moving the horse can than become difficult. Please think about the moment of microchipping, so we can all work together a fast and easy process.

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