Bellman BP12 (frozen semen)
Owner: E. Navarro, Barcelona (SP)
Tel: +34 690761406
A beautiful long lined stallion with a lot of sire appearance. He has very hard and dry correct legs with a lot of length with good hooves. He is slightly narrow in the foreleg. His walk is active with more than sufficient scope and power. His trot is nice uphill with good use of the foreleg with plenty of scope. The hind leg is active but should come a little more under the mass. The canter has a very good jump with a nice self-carriage, suppleness and uphill. Ibop: 74.5 points.
Heigth: 1.73 m
> See Pedigree
Wa | Tr | Ca | Bt | Bu | Le | Tot. |
8 | 7.5 | 7.5 | 8 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 48 |