The Barock Pinto Horse
A functionally and harmoniously build, black Pinto horse, consisting of the typical breed characteristics with sufficient pedigree, being healthy and vital, and has aptitude to perform for sport at the highest level. The Barock Pinto horse has at least 37,5% Friesian blood. The Barock Pinto horse originated from a crossbreeding between a type of Pinto warmblood horse and a Friesian horse.
The studbook has four registers:
Registration 1: If both parents are unknown.
Registration 2: When mom and dad are known.
Registration 3: When both parents and grandparents are known.
Foalbook: When at the moment of microchipping/registration, both parents, grandparents and great-grandparents (three generations on both sides) are traceable, the foal/horse will be registered in the Foal Book. The father must be a recognized or approved (star) stud of the BPS. Only then will the foal/horse be registered in the Foal Book.
Type BP: less than 62.5% foreign blood.
Type XX: more than 62.5% foreign blood.
Type FB: stallions that have less than 62.5% foreign blood (studs only) and are not Pinto black.
A solid, expressive, noble head, the eyes are far apart. The nasal bone is preferably slightly concave, with large nostrils. The jaws are light, and the mouth gap is long. The eyes are large and bright. The small, attentive ears point lightly towards each other.
The long neck forms a slightly upward curve. The neck shows much upwards direction. The neck comes out of the chest high and has a flowing connection with the withers. The neck is long (hand-width) with a flowing connection to the neck. The throatlatch has an open underline with room by the throat.
Throat cut
The throat cut has an open underline with space at the throat passage.
The Barock Pinto horse has an abundance of hair in the form of mane, tail and lower legs (socks).
The desired hair color is black Pinto spots. Mares and stallions that are born black can be added in the studbook. The horse must have at least 2 white spots on the body with a diameter of 10cm each.
The walk is spacious and a clean 4-tact. The legs, while walking, are straight from the front legs to the hind legs. The hind leg shows bend in the hock and is powerful and well placed under the body. The hind dispels the front leg, which is widely moved forward with much freedom in the shoulder.
The trot is a clean 2-tact. The hind leg is powerful and well placed under the body. It shows great bend in the hock while trotting. The front leg shows knee action and is placed forward spaciously. The trot is characterized by suppleness and a long moment of suspension. The horse exhibits a lot of balance and rises in the front, with an elevated neck. The legs, while trotting, are straight from the front legs to the hind legs
The canter is a clean 3-tact. The canter is spacious with a grabbing front leg and a weight-carrying inside leg. The canter is directed upward and shows a long moment of suspension, lots of suppleness and balance too.
The purpose of the Barock Pinto horse varies from recreational use to participation at the highest levels in competitive sports. The disciplines in which the Barock Pinto horses were presented:
- Ridden dressage
- Carriage driving (dressage and combined)
- Combined competitions – endurance