News from the breeding committee

It has recently been unanimously voted to no longer approve all stallions that carry the dwarf-gene and WFFS from 2025.

A proposal has also been made to give star stallions from 40 to 41.5 points a breeding license for 10 mares. These stallions are registered and are called registrated stallions. As mentioned, this group of stallions may not cover more than 10 mares and the owner of the stallion is responsible for this. No more than 10 foals per year of the stallion concerned are registered in the main book. These stallions fall under the regulations of the other stallions with a breeding license. So they just have to do an IBOP and are also inspected for offspring. After 5 years, these stallions are also discussed in the breeding committee meeting. There it is then checked whether or not they make a positive contribution.

These two points have been approved by the board of the Barock Pinto Studbook.

Chairman of the breeding committee,
Gerrit Stelwagen

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