Last Saturday the jury members and the board of the Barock Pinto Studbook gathered for a refresher course. This was organized in Britswerd at Stal Okkema. It was a productive day with room for personal input and discussion. Registering horses is what the Barock Pinto Studbook does so it is important to keep the breeding goal in mind and that the jury looks at this uniformly. Personal taste is of course always a pitfall, but fortunately a jury is always set up with colleagues so that everyone can be corrected on this. After measuring, assessing and discussing a number of horses, it turned out that our jury members were on the same page, which was positive for both chairman Rinze van Teijen and jury chairman Gerrit Stelwagen. After the additional training there was an ibop test for three horses, see other news item.
At the end there was a cozy get-together with a BBQ. Family Okkema, thank you very much for making the location available, bringing the horses, good catering and hospitality!