Reminder: News from our breeding commission

Reminder, the article below was published earlier at the beginning of december 2019. 

Like you know the Barock Pinto Studbook decided a few years ago to elliminate stallions who a carrier of the Hydrocephalic gene. As studbook we are the first who officialy decide this agreement. We also advice breeders to check their mares if they are carriers of this gene. In this way mare holders can make a consciously choice and preventing risks.

In 2020 we are also testing the new approved stallions on the Dwarf gene and WFFS. If stallions have this gene there are no consequences yet but we do make a notice on our website. Our advice is to check stallions before they enter the stallion inspection. If they get approved and they aren’t tested yet, they will be provisionally aproved untill they get the results from the test. If the stallions seems to be carrier of the gene he won’t get his breeding lisence. The costs for the investigation will be on count of the horse owner. If you got any question about this please let us know.

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